My Blog Posts at CURE®

Can We Have a Talk about Hereditary Cancer Risks?

Cartoon about hereditary cancer risk in families. There's an elephant standing against the wall while family members pretend not to notice.  One family member is saying: Yeah, it hangs around at all our family gatherings. “It’s messy, unpleasant and really scary, so let’s not talk about it. Maybe it won’t be a problem if we ignore it.”
The cartoon is only to get your attention and get you thinking. There’s nothing really humorous about it actually. My person, my muse, my soul mate died because detailed information about a known cancer risk was not shared.

The CURE® article is a personal narrative about something that really needs to be seriously addressed – the sharing of potentially life-saving family health history information.



Flowering Lifesaver

You can buy it at your local home store or garden center, or it might already be planted in your yard. It’s pretty and it’s pretty toxic, too. In fact, it’s recommended that you keep it away from kids and pets. But it has played a role in treating cancer and saving lives for almost 60 years.


Cancer and the Butterfly Effect

Since the readers at CURE are already acutely aware of cancer, I created another coloring page to hopefully distract them from the fact that World Cancer Day was coming up.

Share the article and art. And flap your wings.


A Small, Inspiring Bushy-Tailed Visitor as a Distraction From Cancer

Since art can be such good therapy for those struggling with a cancer diagnosis, I’m going to be creating a number of coloring pages for the readers and contributors here at CURE®. I know my late wife found coloring the pages I often created for her to be a welcome distraction when she was undergoing treatment for BRCA2-associated breast cancer.

A Holiday Offering for Those Affected by Cancer

Losing my wife to a hereditary cancer that was very preventable was unbearably heartbreaking. And the heartache is never more keenly felt by my daughter and me than during the holidays.

My wife is no longer alive to celebrate the holidays because some members of her family did not value a blood relative's life enough to share what would have been life-saving genetic sequencing information. So, in memory of my wife, I have become a very determined hereditary cancer awareness and prevention advocate in the hope that I might save a life or two and prevent a hell of a lot of suffering and sorrow.

As part of my love and advocacy, I create content for Cure Today, a publisher of cancer care resources. For the holidays I wrote a story that I hope you will take a moment to read. 

And accompanying my story is a holiday art activity with a message about cancer that I hope you’ll share...  


CURE's Facebook post:


Cancer Education & Kindness

It's so important to share information if there is a family history of cancer. With my wife, I witnessed how not sharing cancer risk knowledge can lead to needless suffering and heartache.
What should of been a simple act of love and kindness didn't happen and my wife died because of it.

 Please read my December 1, 2022 article at Cure Today:

This particular article was inspired by children's book author Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Thought Bubble video about kindness. Since it wasn't linked in the article, click on the image below to view it:

Thanks to the Amy Krouse Rosenthal Foundation for giving my article a shout-out on Facebook:


An Owl Drawing Demonstration and an Ask for Some Wise Input from the Cancer Community 

Take a Break from the Darkness of Cancer and Draw a Halloween Monster


Thoughts on Breast Cancer Awareness Month: the Disease Is No ‘Stroll Through the Park’

Thumbnail of Breast Cancer Awareness Month cartoonAre you aware October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month? Probably. It's hard to miss all the "pinkness." Well, here's a link to my brutely honest rant blog post and cartoon about one aspect of it at CURE Today from a cancer-caregiver-now-cancer-widower's point of view


How to Use Drawing as a ‘Creative Break’ From Cancer.

How to Use Drawing as a ‘Creative Break’ From Cancer.


Hereditary Cancer Demands a New Medical Discipline
This oft-forgotten part of the Hippocratic Oath helped to inspire me to write the article:

"I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure


Finding the Courage to Look at Family Cancer History

Create a Cancer-Fighting Superhero

Cancer, Bears and Fierce Compassion (and drawing)

Drawing Was a ‘Creative Reprieve’ During My Wife’s Cancer


Was I a Good Enough Cancer Caregiver?


Standing on My Hereditary Cancer Awareness and Prevention Soapbox


Father of a Previvor: A Father's Day Story

Patient Advocates Represent a Much-Needed Lifeline for People Who are Dealing with Cancer


Cancer Centers Need a Room for Rage


Hoping to Prevent Hereditary Cancer


Hoping For a Miracle: Mental Health Care Should Be Standard Treatment for All Cancers


Navigating Cancer Test Results Is Challenging for Patients and Their Caregivers